Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Chatter of Lots of Characters

So, you've written twelve books in a popular series. You're entitled to have a little fun with your readers.

And that is exactly what happens in this final book in Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series.

This following excerpt is delightful. Especially after we've read every book in the series and we've come to know the characters as if they were good friends. The Swallows, Amazons, and D's are sailing (of course) with Captain Flint. As they stand on deck, looking through the spyglass, their distinct voices come through. (You almost don't need the narrator telling you who said what!)
There was a lot of chatter up there. People were taking turns with glasses and telescope. "Look here, it's my turn now. I spotted her first." That was Roger. "Only a motorboat, anyway." That was John. "She's going to pass us pretty close." That was Nancy. "You carry on, Nancy. We've the right of way. You've nothing to worry about. She'll pass under our stern." That was Captain Flint. "She's coming up a terrific lick." That was Roger. "Probably carrying dispatches." That was Titty. "Or taking a doctor to one of the lighthouses." That was Dorothea.

Taken from:
Ransome, Arthur. Great Northern? (1947), p. 16.

How did I rate this book? 4 stars

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